Career Etiquette: DOA?

Fact: Job postings are presented because hiring managers want YOU to be the right candidate for an open position.

DSC_0001Are you (or your student base) delivering or destroying on arrival? Before responding, take a look at what’s going on now… really… now.

Currently seeking a writer/office associate for our Longwood, Florida headquarters; for those interested in working with a team of professional writers and partnering with academic institutions, non-profit organizations, and individuals seeking career transitions, send cover letter and resume to

The above posting remains active, unfortunately.

Our management team is in the initial phasing-out stage and what is going on is rather disturbing: When it comes to candidates seeking employment, professionalism and career etiquette are an ignored strategy.

Let’s begin with a showing of several email responses in their uncut, uncensored form to the job posting mentioned a few moments ago:

1. “im interested.Evaluation: Grammar aside, responding to a job posting with two words is a slap in the face. By the way, no cover letter, resume, or sample was attached. Result: Not a chance to be part of our organization.

2. (No text at all) Evaluation: The prospective applicant submitted a dat. file which could not be viewed. No words were stated in the subject line; no words in the email at all. Our team replied with a Word of pdf format copy but a second dat. file was generously returned an hour later.  Result: Do I really need to say?

3. (No introduction or attachments—simply copied and pasted a resume to the open field) Evaluation: Without a cover letter or introduction, the resume lacked a reason to read… not to mention the disfigured display. Result: Another easy no even though this applicant did appear to offer a few positive attributes which may benefit ECS. Unfortunately the lack of professionalism forced a quick and negative reaction.

4. Four candidates did not submit a copy of their resume… is this really happening?

Our team could continue highlighting what not to do but I believe you know where this is going without further confirmation.

Over all, over 35 candidates responded to the writing position thus far. A slight majority (63%) did not supply a cover letter or formal introduction;
meaning most simply pasted their resume without forethought or intent to be called for an interview.

A total of one candidate appeared to perform research on our organization and the position (company name and contact was clearly stated within the posting). I say one because only one mentioned our company mission and/or products/services we offer.

Career etiquette means a brief introduction as to the value, contribution, and support as to why the candidate makes a good fit.

Career etiquette means designing a resume specific to the job posting, organization, and industry.

Career etiquette means letting the hiring manager know you really want the position… by way of following up.

5. Speaking of following up, NOT one of the 35 candidates submitted a follow up note, call, letter, telegraph, smoke signal, or message by pigeon.

Evaluation: Hiring managers know nothing about the candidate other than the job posting response. By not displaying professional courtesy (providing a tailored cover letter, resume, and follow up), you place yourself at a distinct disadvantage instantly.

With so much on the line, it would be a pity a few moments of diligence got in the way between an ideal/dream job and reality.

As a rule:
Compile a cover letter based upon the job posting and company research
* Send the resume as an attachment, Word or pdf
* Create the belief that you want the position by sending a follow up note, phone call, or both
* Professional courtesy will lift you above the many too busy on Twitter to show career etiquette

In regards to the open writing position, if you know of a writer in the Orlando area, send him or her my way. Before you do, make sure he or she follows proper career etiquette… or is that too much to ask?

Fact: Hiring managers desire the right information delivered in the right package and in the right way.

We’ll continue offering professional insight and review career marketing strategies so continue checking for the next submission. With this in mind, if you have career questions and would like a team of professionally certified writers and coaches input, don’t hesitate to ask.

For those interested in securing cutting-edge career focused books, including how to write effective resume/cover letters. Visit “Danny at ECS” on Amazon or go to for a complete listing of available products and support. You may also contact our staff directly: to see how we can help you.

Danny Hufman, MA, CEIP, CPRW, CPCC
Follow me on Twitter #dannyatecs
Education Career Services:
West Orlando News Online, Event and Career Columnist:

Job Opportunities for Adults with Disabilities

Perfect Petroleum and other local businesses/community employers partner with Bishop Grady Villas to offer job opportunities for adults with disabilities, giving individuals with disabilities a chance to achieve their dreams.

DSC_0032Orlando, Fla. – May, 2013 – Bishop Grady Villas, a residential and employment services provider for individuals with disabilities, is proud to recognize the local businesses that have made an impact in the lives of their residents and clients. Over the past several years, the organization has had the privilege of partnering with dozens of local employers that have offered adults with disabilities invaluable employment opportunities to share their talents and achieve their goals.

At a time when Florida Governor Rick Scott is urging lawmakers to approve $36 million in much-needed funding to serve individuals on the Agency for Persons with Disabilities (APD) waiver waiting list, as well as $2.5 million in employment services to individuals who will continue to wait for waiver services, Bishop Grady Villas programs are more important than ever.

Robert Halliburton and Lorene Schalow have been a part of the Perfect Petroleum team for several months. They love coming to work and our customers love seeing them, but above all, we love having them as a part of the Perfect Petroleum team,” said Ashish Kapadia, President of Perfect Petroleum, an Orlando-based CITGO Marketer. “My son has some disabilities, and so I know first-hand how much people like Robert and Lori can offer not just by the actual work they do, but with the inspiration and blessings they bring by their mere presence, smiles, and laughter. We consider ourselves blessed to be able to work with them. There are still so many individuals in our community that want the chance to make their own mark, and I hope that more local businesses will open themselves up to this incredible opportunity.”

Bishop Grady Villas’ mission is to support persons with disabilities and use their God-given gifts to achieve greater independence, physical and emotional well-being, and spiritual growth. “We are incredibly grateful to all of the businesses who have chosen to hire one or more of our residents,” said Desiree Robles, Employment Programs Manager at Bishop Grady Villas. “It is truly amazing to see the transformation that these opportunities have on our residents’ confidence, happiness, and overall quality of life. It is also a joy to hear how much our corporate partners feel they receive in return when they are able to work with these individuals first-hand as they discover and share their many talents.”

In 2012, Bishop Grady Villas Employment Services helped 116 men and women become permanently employed in Central Florida with the support of corporate partners
like the Walt Disney World Resort, Perfect Petroleum, School District of Osceola County, Publix, and many more. In addition, Bishop Grady Villas provided full-time residential support to 48 individuals through its residential programs.

Its partnership with Bishop Grady Villas is one of many ways Perfect Petroleum helps people with disabilities in the local community. The company also has a history of supporting the Muscular Dystrophy Association, The Smile Train, Agency for Persons with Disabilities, and many more.

To learn more about Perfect Petroleum, visit

To learn more about Bishop Grady Villas, the services it provides, and how to get involved, visit

To learn more about the Agency for Persons with Disabilities, the services it provides, and how to get involved, visit

West Orlando News Online is proud to take an active role within our community. If your organization is helping to improve our community, let us know.

On a personal note, thank you Perfect Petroleum, Walt Disney World Resort, Publix, School District of Osceola County, Bishop Grady Villas, and all those individuals putting action behind intent. A special recognition goes out for Jennifer Monje, Senior Human Services Program Analyst for Area 7 Agency for Persons with Disabilities.

Danny Hufman, MA, CEIP, CPRW, CPCC
Follow Me on Twitter @dannyatecs
West Orlando News Online, Event and Career Columnist: