Career Advantage: Highly Sensitive Precision

DSC_0057Ever find yourself getting hung up on details? Maybe your job is the fast-paced, big-picture kind, and maybe you find it frustrating. For highly sensitive people, details matter, and they matter hard. In the wrong place and to the wrong person, this can look less than desirable.

For the HSP, if the results of meticulous work are not instant and obvious, there is a tendency to be standing on the short end of criticism. For those not understanding what it means to be an HSP, there seems to be unfair finger-pointing, even to the point of being accused of procrastination, lack of dedication, or worse…

Reality Check: Being an HSP does not necessarily mean that you are easily distracted, lazy, or uncommitted. Being an HSP might just mean that you have a skillset that is not being utilized where you are.

That skillset is your attention to detail. It is precision. And that is something that many companies desperately need from you are unable to recognize only because they are unaware of the multitude of advantages you offer to a company’s bottom line.

Reality Check: How one is perceived and defined too often depends upon social conditioning and, unfortunately, social ignorance.

The Highly Sensitive Person’s brain does take longer to process information, but it does so more thoroughly than the average person. This means that the Big-Picture people can run around all day, overlooking things in trying to keep up. Truth is, companies need someone like you. Company’s need those who will keep them afloat with details that could be overlooked in pursuit of the big picture.

Showcasing the HSPs much needed contributions, suppose you were to notice an area in your workplace that could be improved with some fine-tuning only someone like you are able to recognize and resolve. You then take a moment to brainstorm ways that you could be of assistance in that improvement. Upon developing a strategic plan of action (as an HSP would do), you address the situation to your superior, highlighting an action plan and a most-likely result(s). Not only will your ambition be admired, but your ideas may be implemented. Who knows where you might go from there?

If you are looking for new employment, and you would like to utilize your precision, consider the marketable art of programming. There are a ton of training courses online, many of them free and fun for beginners. As you move up, you can find yourself subscribing to a site that could lead you directly into a career upon certification.

For more information on these training programs, check out this blog at

The Highly Sensitive Person is a uniquely added value requiring an innovative career management portfolio and plan. Over the next few weeks we’ll evaluate effective and industry-tested cover letter and resume strategies for your advantage.

Stay informed, confident, and know today is not just another day.

Interested in developing proven career success techniques or in securing cutting-edge career focused material, including interview best practice techniques or how to write effective resume/cover letters? Visit for a complete listing of available support. You may also contact us directly: to see how we can help you.

Rikki Payne, Career Consultant, Editor, and Writer
Education Career Services,
Follow us on Twitter #dannyatecs
Education Career Services:
West Orlando News Online, Event and Career Columnist:

Career Advantages for the Empathic HSP

DSC_0006It might be hard to imagine how being empathetic could turn into a successful career. Perhaps as a Highly Sensitive Person you found yourself in more corporate jobs geared toward marketing, sales, or something similar only to find that you were miserable to your very core.

True enough, there are plenty who enjoy these jobs and are able to do them to the fullest of their ability. Just as true, you may also know you are not one of those people. As a result, it may have been (or remains to be) quite frustrating to look for a job with the character traits you may exhibit as a Highly Sensitive Person.

If you have not considered the marketable potential of your empathy, then let’s take a look at a few careers where you may find consistent to comfort without compromising career success.

First and most obvious is the health industry. If you have empathy for people and their needs, then you just might belong there. It takes a special brand of compassion to make a career in this industry. If you have yet to consider a career within the health industry – it could be your calling and should be considered.

If you immediately think only of doctors and nurses while contemplating the health industry, think again. While these are good possibilities, and would be great uses of your empathy, consider all of the promising roles within the medical community. Customer service, for example, from hospitals to doctor’s offices, will always need warmth, kindness, and understanding.

If you find that your capacity to empathize with others is quite vast, look into becoming a counselor or social worker. Your gift of understanding another person’s point of view could drastically change someone’s life… the reward of such work can be quite immense. Some people with this capacity have also made successful independent careers for themselves as life coaches.

Additionally, you should consider education. There is a massive need for empathy within the industry of education. Students need someone who can understand their struggles in learning, and not blindly expect them to absorb mere information. Think back to a teacher who influenced your life… the catalyst sparking you to become who you are today can be brought forth by you.

When considering options, the best thing to do is still (and always will be) volunteer. Not only is it deeply rewarding to give back to your community, but you can gain invaluable experience and insight. Through volunteer work you have the opportunity to feed your empathy to levels rarely found in profit-driven establishments.

When it comes down to it, there are advantages an HSP individual offers over non-HSP candidates. The inherent ability to connect is one of the most sought after traits companies seek to acquire. Backed by knowledge and confidence, there’s no better time than this moment to step beyond the sidewalk and into challenges desiring and seeking what you have to offer.

We’ll continue evaluating effective career management methods as the holidays approach but always welcome your input, suggestions, and questions.

For those interested in developing proven career success techniques or in securing cutting-edge career focused material, including interview best practice techniques or how to write effective resume/cover letters, visit for a complete listing of available support. You may also contact us directly: to see how we can help you.

Rikki Payne, Career Consultant, Editor, and Writer,
Education Career Services,
Follow us on Twitter #dannyatecs
Education Career Services:
West Orlando News Online, Event and Career Columnist: