Seasonal to Permanent Employ

Danny, Elaine, and Beverly at the Longwood Chili Cook Off
Danny, Elaine, and Beverly at the Longwood Chili Cook Off

Over the past few weeks I’ve received multiple follow-up inquiries about the best way(s) to gain permanent employment after accepting a seasonal position.

First of all, glad many are serious about their career progression and are working during the holiday season. Seasonal work offers a ton of opportunities besides earning a few extra bucks.

Second of all, seasonal employment does not always have to be temporary. For a moment, let’s wear a manager’s hat and consider two advantages of hiring and promoting within an existing seasonal pool:

  • Hands on employee evaluation. Think about it, during stressful holiday shopping, employee character and values are constantly tested. Pass this test during the holiday season and you can handle the world. With this said, do you think supervisors and owners do not recognize those employees who work well with customers, who remain calm, and who hold themselves to company standards and expectations, even under the most stressful circumstances? Let me make it clear, they do.
  • Precedence equates to prediction. No doubt you’ve heard this before, but nothing is more indicative of future performance than past performance. For those showing professionalism, a solid work ethic, and a winning attitude during seasonal employment, your actions make loud and clear indications as to what kind of permanent employee you will become.

How do the top two bullets help in your quest to gain permanent employ? Glad you asked…

  • From the first day of employ, believe From the first day of employ, in your mind (and actions) your current position IS a permanent position. In other words, visualize and actualize.
    Here’s a fact
    : The simple act of visualizing goals and performance enhances the probability the event/outcome will become a reality.
    Psychological studies confirm those who believe, achieve.
  • Referring to precedence equates to prediction, make sure each minute at your seasonal position is spent productively. In other words, unless on a scheduled break and out of customer site, do not become involved with Twitter, Facebook, or any other social/digital site. Customers will not take kindly to being ignored and seeing you hunched over your IPhone instead of taking care of their needs. Truth is, customers may not know you are on break and will express their displeasure with managers.
  • Professionalism ALWAYS: At the end of the season, managers/supervisors go behind closed doors to discuss long-term options current and potential employee options. For the record, those currently holding full time positions, nothing is written in stone so you too need to display professionalism at all times.
  • Not being watched and evaluated at all times, think again: Need I say more? Nothing says “I am right for the company” than action. Ultimately, what you do on (and to a degree, off) the clock will be used to support your supervisors’ decision to keep you on full time or let you wonder off like an over-licked candy cane.
  • Customer feedback: If you are in a retail or consumer-based environment, customer feedback can be the determining factor when it comes job security… just saying.

Transitioning from being a seasonal employee to a permanent one is doable and can be quite rewarding. How far and long you go with it depends (mostly) on you.

With this note and holiday music in the background (Loretta Lynn jamming “Santa Clause is Comin’ to Town”), time for me to sip on my second cup of hot chocolate.

Hoping your career journey is an exciting and rewarding one, I am here to help in the process.

For those interested in developing proven career success techniques or securing cutting-edge career focused material, including interview best practice techniques or how to write effective resume/cover letters? Visit or for a complete listing of available services and support or contact me directly at

Danny Huffman, MA, CEIP, CPRW, CPCC
Education Career Services:
Career Break Out:
Follow Me on Twitter #dannyatecs

Seasonal Slow or Holiday Go?

December 2012 059With seven weeks to go until Christmas, many seeking employment or a career shift downgrade activities to a seasonal slow. Though I acknowledge the psychological rationalizations to slow to a turtle pace and enjoy the remainder of the year; that lack of action may not be in your best interest. As a result, I strongly recommend the second of two choices: holiday go.

According to recent labor report cards, NOW is the time many companies are hiring. True most opening positions are seasonal and part time, it does not have to stay that way.

Here’s a suggestion: Instead of not earning an income over the next two months, step out of your comfort zone and secure a part time seasonal position. For those afraid or embarrassed to work in retail (and yes, go ahead and admit you have an attitude problem needing resolve), there are benefits beyond standing on your feet. For example, you never know who your next customer may happen to be. Suppose he or she is a hiring executive at a company you have always wanted to work for, by treating the customer professionally and attentively, networking skills can push you into an interview.

True story: Several years ago I was looking for a receptionist and two office personnel. I happened to walk into a Kohl’s and was helped by a young lady with such professionalism that I asked her if she was interested in a position outside of retail. Needless to say, three weeks later, she was one of two selections I found during a holiday shopping spree.

Did you know: Part time often equates into full time… but this is not automatic.

Keys to transitioning from seasonal to full time

  • Always look and act professionally (to peers, supervisors, and customers)
  • Never complain
  • Let your supervisor know you are interested in continuing employment beyond the season
  • Be yourself
  • Don’t be arrogant
  • Don’t fool around, Tweet, or Facebook while on the job
  • Be positive and keep in the holiday spirit

Okay, so you are on the holiday go mindset… now what? Fortunately for you, I happened to be listening to the Clark Howard show this morning. A topic of discussion he presented was entitled “Who’s hiring this holiday season?” For a complete listing, is suggest taking a look at and check it out for yourself. To summarize, here’s a peek at the top five companies hiring (based on projected hires):

  • UPS: hiring 95,000 seasonal workers
  • Macy’s: hiring 86,000 seasonal workers
  • Amazon: hiring 80,000 seasonal workers
  • Target: hiring 70,000 seasonal workers
  • Kohl’s: hiring 67,000 seasonal workers

Looks like NOW is NOT the time for a seasonal slow.

Hoping your career journey is an exciting and rewarding one, I am always here to help in the process.

For those interested in developing proven career success techniques or securing cutting-edge career focused material, including interview best practice techniques or how to write effective resume/cover letters? For those at a career disadvantage, take control by taking advantage of one of our most popular guides and learn ways to overcome barriers to employment (arrests and/or convictions). Visit for a complete listing of available support or contact me at

Danny Huffman, MA, CEIP, CPRW, CPCC
Education Career Services:
Follow Me on Twitter #dannyatecs