Second Chance… Think Again.

“To say is not to do. To do is to say.”

For those who do not know Duck, he is simply a man.
A man who spent 13 years incarcerated for a crime he did not commit
but still walks a path defined by society
unwilling to offer second chances.

We’ve heard it many times and at many levels: “Everybody deserves a second chance.” But what does that really mean? Does society truly offer second chances? Do you, really?

Duck is not a bitter man.
He is simply a man wishing to live his life peacefully
and with equal opportunity.

From employment to housing to EVERYTHING in between, rare are the few offering second chances. Perhaps it is because we all have our own lives to live and who needs “fear” to be in the equation if possible… am I right ladies? Don’t think I need to explain the last line or justify what most think.

For the person, organization, potential employer, and the hypocrite pretending otherwise, stop saying and begin doing. Give others, all others no matter their race or stumbled background, a chance to be the person he or she is meant to be. It’s pretty simple, stopping the madness begins by stopping the talk and doing the do.

Duck is man refusing defeat.
He is simply a man who has been escorted off jobs
in front of crowds because a crime he didn’t commit.

Empowering and employing begins with YOU, not by what you say but by what you do.

I ask one thing from you: Be true to yourself and those around you. Stop the bull, keep what you say real, and if you don’t believe (and live the life) in second chances, stop pretending you do.

Duck, like the millions who have stumbled, will rise to the challenge of humbling himself every step along the journey…
with or without you.

2nd Chance University is a non-profit designed for those who have stumbled within our justice system as they regain their Commitment, Hope, and Empowerment.

Duck is a man offering importance.
His experience, struggles, and story is threaded throughout 2nd Chance University’s programs inspiring those
who have also stumbled.

We are seeking partnerships to bring our programs to communities across the nation. If you work with or know of organizations, work force centers, penal institutions, and/or judges and district attorneys committed to changing people’s path, bring it on. Together we can change the world, one person at a time.

Danny Huffman


Balancing Consequence and Intent

But I intended to… not my fault it did not work out as planned.

Looking at my own experience over the years, the gap between intent and consequence is beyond measure; but not beyond the every-moment pain. No doubt we all share the gap; the only difference resides in the degree (of self-deception).

In most aspects we lean toward the side of intent, often ignoring consequence. How do we regain the balance where consequence and culpability are the primary characteristic of who we are?

Intent: a shallow consideration highlighted by mentally laziness or a self-serving delusion.

Consequence: Emotional, psychological, and overall outcome of action — be it in words or in the physical.

Instead of rehashing the past, let’s move on to today and examine one of the core reasons why intent and consequence rarely run parallel: self-delusion.

What is self-delusion? By my definition, it is closed-eye reality where all one sees is the darkness of inner want.

Truth is, the past is the past so now all we can do is come up with a plan to regain balance and live a life where choice and action run closer as one.

Career: When it comes to work, shrugging off responsibility or cleansing your hands by shouldering burdens to another is not a sign balance, this is a sign of self-deception. As a business owner, when tough decisions are needed to be made such as lay-offs or pay increases, I don’t look at employee intent, I evaluate balance between intent and consequence. I look for employees who accept responsibility, who own the mission, who don’t put burdens on fellow peers, and whose intent is consistent with consequence.

Justice-Involved: Our non-profit is about giving second chances and our intense programs have been developed to open eyes, accept responsibility, bring intent and consequences closer, and to secure a path where freedom, respect, and success become part of each person’s core. In this capacity, we hear the stories of “it was not meant to happen this way,” “it’s not my fault,” “there is nothing I can do about my situation,” and so many more excuses pushing intent to the next level… there is no balance within those making excuses for their failure.

Under the umbrella of balancing consequence and intent, there are a few things we can ALL do now to get it right (or at least not so wrong):

  • Think BEFORE you do
  • Be the other person and consider his/her feelings
  • Make a list of what might go wrong and what will happen if it does (and the worst case usually happens – prove me wrong
  • Recognize there are only TWO choices: the right thing or the wrong thing

By following the four bullets above, changes will happen in your life… no matter tribulations of the past.

In your career, make choices based upon outer-vision, not inner self-delusion.

For those with a stumbled background, be who you are meant to be, not who others think you have become.

In conclusion, I ask you take the first step: take ownership in your life… only you control YOU, no more excuses or playing the victim.

2nd Chance University is a non-profit designed for those who have stumbled within our justice system as they regain their Commitment, Hope, and Empowerment.

At current, we are seeking partnerships to bring our programs to communities across the nation. If you work with or know of organizations, work force centers, penal institutions, and/or judges and district attorneys committed to changing people’s path, bring it on. Together we can change the world, one person at a time.

Danny Huffman
2nd Chance University