Twitter: YOUR 140 Character Opportunity

Though small, remains bigAre you taking full advantage of instant updates from your friends, industry experts, favorite celebrities, and what’s happening around the world? Unless you live in a machine and reside eternally within the digital networking world, priorities need to be your guide. After all, who in their right mind has the time to respond to every Tweet, LinkedIn discussion, and Facebook entry?

Perhaps it’s ripe time to evaluate the benefits of digital networking without bogging time down to a crawl. Though most individuals are familiar with the basics of Twitter, there’s a method of self-career marketing many are not taking full advantage. So, what exactly is this Twitter craze sweeping the nation and are you in the round?

Keeping you in the loop, Twitter is a social networking site and micro-blogging service that enables its user to send and read tweets, text-based posts of up to 140 characters. The key feature of this site is the ability to “Follow” individuals. Whenever a user tweets anything, all of his or her followers are notified instantly.

Twitter tip: Be careful to keep your Tweets relevant and not too personal or what you say may come back to haunt you.

While some users write what they’re fixing for dinner or give blow-by-blow descriptions of their favorite soap operas, as professionals, we’re only interested in the “industry experts” of our field. With the right strategy and proper planning, Twitter can become an effective tool.

For those yet to be within the Twitter family, begin by opening a web browser and entering into the address bar to reach Twitter’s home page.

If you are new to the site, look for “New to Twitter?” Here is where you’ll start creating your free Twitter account. The Sign up entry fields for Twitter are simpler than other sites, only requiring Full name, Email, and a Password.

Once in and ready to take on the world, remember that an online presence represents you, your skills, accomplishments and creativeness. Ultimately, your Twitter resume/profile presents a brief version of personal, educational, and professional qualifications as that of a job applicant, all in 140 characters (or less).

According to the latest, Twitter is more than a social networking site and its use within the career management field has expanded beyond boundaries. Twitter has become one of the first sights hiring recruiters venture to in order to locate high quality candidates… and this is where your 140-character profile must be strong enough to lift you above the crowd of millions.

Atop a stingy foundation, many recruiters and job seekers are turning to Twitter to impress companies by way of quality, not quantity. Throw in a six-second video and the world can be your oyster. Though in its infancy stage, in corners of the job market, such as media and technology, candidates and recruiters are claiming Twitter’s value.

Twitter, stating that it has more than 200 million monthly active users, just may be the elevator pitch medium of the future. I know what you’re asking and shaking that bobble head about: how does one write a 140-character career marketing document/slogan that summarizes one’s experience and unique attributes?

Glad you asked, as so did a recent graduate I have been coaching asked. Here’s the scoop, Megan had been using Twitter for several years, providing insight on dining, her whereabouts, and whatever happened to fancy her throughout the most peculiar times of the day. In other words, like most of us, she held a Twitter account but did not take advantage… until now.

With several creative sessions and less than drab correspondence, Megan came to recognize the many contributions she can add to an organization. Our next step was to ensure she could transfer her uniqueness quickly. Our first attempt more than doubled the allowed character limit so we knew multiple revisions were in store.

Working back and forth, Megan created a Twitter profile packed with industry keywords that would arouse the recruiter interest. Let’s take a look at her Twitter resume/profile as a format and then tailor your Twitter marketing document on the spaces provided.

Megan: “Recent health service grad, dedicated to patient care and support, ethical, creative, multi-tasker looking for a career in #atl.”

Megan replaced her personal profile with the above and three weeks later received several inquiries. As of this date, she has yet to land her dream job but has received four phone interviews and one face-to-face interview… pretty good odds… now we have to work on her interview skills!

Are you taking advantage of Twitter? If not, no better time than now to work on your profile. To push you along the way, in the space below, create your 140 character (or less) Twitter branding statement:

Once completed (and before submitting it live on Twitter), send it along our way for a quick critique.

Twitter tip: Some career professionals say Facebook and Twitter have surpassed LinkedIn as Job-search networking tools.

We’ll continue offering professional insight and review career marketing strategies so continue checking for the next submission. With this in mind, if you have career questions and would like a team of professionally certified writers and coaches input, don’t hesitate to ask.

For those interested in securing cutting-edge career focused books, including how to write effective resume/cover letters. Visit “Danny at ECS” on Amazon or go to for a complete listing of available products and support. You may also contact our staff directly: to see how we can help you.

Danny Hufman, MA, CEIP, CPRW, CPCC
Follow Me on Twitter #dannyatecs
Education Career Services:
West Orlando News Online, Event and Career Columnist:

Resume Essentials, Part Two

First thing first, according to the top career management associations, “the resume is dead” rumor is significantly overstated as the resume continues to serve as an essential job-search tool and is expected to remain the foundation for additional career marketing communications.

competitive modeNow that we have that out of the way, bickering in the background needs to settle down… at least for the next five years or so.

Last session we reviewed five essential resume strategies designed to place you, your staff, and/or your students in the advantage. For those who misplaced last session, you are welcome to refer to the original post at

To gain your career advantage, let’s get right into business:

  • Resume trends. Over the past decade, resume length has been shrinking at an alarming rate. Rarely should a graduating student warrant more than one page while senior executives remain the exception. The key remains in placement; keep the most impactful (and relevant) information within the top third of the document as reader attention span is also shrinking.
  • Email host. Keeping up with the times includes keeping up with social perceptions. Oddly enough, your choice of email hosts may be sending a message. For example, using an AOL account is currently being perceived as an antiquated vehicle. The most popular email host at the current time happens to be “Gmail.”
  • Focus, focus, and focus. Gaining the advantage requires an active role. Sitting back and sending hundreds of cover letter/resumes instantly at the punch of a button is NOT putting the applicant on top of the heap. To enhance positive responses, tailor the cover letter and resume to the specific job opening. In other words, for each submission, make sure keywords and text placement reflects the job posting, company mission, and your contributions. With the increase use of ATS platforms, matching keywords has never been more important.
  • Proof in the pudding. Nothing shows the reader that you are the right candidate for the job like actually proving it. Simply stating overused terms did not work in the past and will not work in the future. Situation, Task, Action, and Result (STAR) stories tailored to your accomplishments can be a powerful took within your career documents as well as during interviews. In other words, show how you led a group project, a team, or an office by giving actual numbers, what your action was, and then what happened. Is the process still in place? Did your recommendation increase revenue or decrease labor expense?
  • Keep it consistent. Ensure that all documents as well as online profiles and website information highlight the same message. Your LinkedIn profile must match your document branding statements (though not word for word—be creative and consistent).

No doubt the resume remains the career wheel hub with other career collateral serving as spokes around it. By recognizing and applying best-practice approaches, the advantage will go to you as well as your students.

We’ll continue offering professional insight and review career marketing strategies so continue checking for the next submission. With this in mind, if you have career questions and would like a team of professionally certified writers and coaches input, don’t hesitate to ask.

For those interested in securing cutting-edge career focused books, including how to write effective resume/cover letters. Visit “Danny at ECS” on Amazon or go to for a complete listing of available products and support. You may also contact me directly: to see how I can help you.

Danny Hufman, MA, CEIP, CPRW, CPCC
Follow Me on Twitter #dannyatecs
Education Career Services:
West Orlando News Online, Event and Career Columnist: